Editing Services

Our expert paper editors edit and proofread your academic work with the highest quality standards. Get professional revision for your research papers, term papers, and other academic documents at affordable editing prices and a 100% language accuracy guarantee.
Paper Editing Services

What is the Paper Editing Process?

  • Get an instant price quotation

    Get an Instant Price Quote

    Select the document type, enter your paper's word count, and choose a turnaround time to get an instant quote.

  • Upload your order

    Upload Your Paper

    Tell us about the subject area and the purpose of your research paper and we will match it to the editor with the most relevant expertise to revise your document.

  • Receive your edited document

    Receive Your Revised Document

    Download your edited research paper—completion within the requested delivery time guaranteed.

Calculate Your Price

  • Choose your editing service type.
  • Enter your document’s word count.

Detailed Features of Our Paper Editing Services

  • Expert Proofreading

    Paper proofreading includes correction for:

    • Word-order mistakes and grammar errors
    • Spelling and punctuation issues
    • Formatting inconsistencies and incorrect terms
    • Improper capitalization in heading text

    We guarantee 100% language accuracy–your edited paper will be free of objective language and mechanics errors.

  • Language Enhancement

    Wordvice's editors enhance the style, clarity, and tone of your writing in the following ways:

    • Changing vocabulary terms to improve language
    • Rephrasing to enhance flow and readability
    • Providing feedback and comments to explain revisions
    • Removing unnatural phrases and reducing wordiness

    Our editors revise your work to your preferred formatting style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)

  • Client Satisfaction

    Our research paper editing services provide more than just quality editing. We have a range of features that make our clients keep coming back:

    • Editor expertise in your paper’s subject area
    • Direct communication with your editor
    • A range of turnaround times (from 9 hours to 7 days)
    • Free English editing certificate

    Our editor messaging system lets you stay in touch with your editor. We guarantee completion of research paper editing by the selected delivery time.

Who Are Our Academic Editors?

Who Are Our Paper Editors?

Wordvice editors are carefully selected and highly qualified in language editing. Our over 500 native English-speaking editors hold PhDs and advanced degrees in nearly 2,000 academic subdisciplines. We allocate your paper to an editor with expertise in your academic subject area.

Professional English Editing for Any Research Paper

Authors Love Our Paper Editing Services!

Paper Editing Services Reviews

Paper Editing Services Reviews

  • "Editing improved my term paper" I always worry about my term papers, because English is not my first language. I started using Wordvice because the service is very easy to understand, and now I do it every time because it's very helpful. The proofreading is done perfectly, and the editors always give me many useful tips to make my writing sound more academic.
  • "Helped my work get published" Wordvice has helped me several times already to publish in reputed journals in my field, and I will definitely continue to use their manuscript editing services. The editors are really good at not only improving the language and making it more academic but also pointing out logical inconsistencies or missing details that could make a reviewer doubt the quality of our research. I highly recommend them.

Paper Editing Examples

Click on the files below to see samples of works edited via our paper editing services.
  • Engineering


  • Natural Science

    Natural Science

  • Medicine


  • Bioscience


Paper Editing Services FAQ

We base our proofreading prices on word count, service level (e.g., Standard, Premium, or Two-Editor), and turnaround time. To view our editing and proofreading prices, enter your word count into our pricing calculator and receive an instant quote and delivery deadline for your document.
At Wordvice, we provide academic editing turnaround times ranging from 9 hours to 168 hours (7 days).

We offer the following turnaround times:
9 hours, 13 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours (2 days), 72 hours (3 days), 96 hours (4 days), 168 hours (7 days).
All of our expert paper editors are native English speakers with advanced degrees (PhDs and Master’s degrees) and many years of editing experience. When you submit an order, our system automatically selects a list of editors with the most relevant expertise, and our customer service team selects the right editor for your academic document.

Once the revision is completed, our Quality Assurance team reviews the edits before delivering your document. You can also communicate directly with your editor throughout the revision process. See editing service reviews from real clients.
We provide free Second-Look Editing services if:
  1. 1) the target journal specifically cites English language issues as a reason for rejection and
  2. 2) the file submitted to the journal is identical to the final revised file from Wordvice.
We do not provide free Second-Look Editing services if the file rejected by the journal differs from the final revised file from Wordvice.

To request Second-Look Editing services following rejection from a journal, please send the following documents to
  1. 1) The file you submitted to the journal
  2. 2) The journal reviewers' comments
We will get back to you after our QA team evaluates the relevant documents.