College & University
Editing Services

What is Assignment Editing?
- High School & College Term Papers
- Personal Essays for College & University
- English-language Homework Assignments
- Class Essays & Papers
- Course Research Projects
- Other English Class Assignments
Calculate Your Price
- Choose your editing service type.
- Enter your document’s word count.
To calculate the total word count in an MS Word document, select [Word Count] in the [Review] menu.
- To calculate the word count of a specific selection of the document, highlight the text and then click [Word Count].
To calculate the total word count in an MS Word document, select [Word Count] in the [Review] menu.
The Assignment Editing Services Ordering Process
Get a Quote
Select the document type for your school assignment and enter the number of words to be revised to get a quote.
Submit Your Paper
Include your assignment’s academic subject area and the purpose of your work and we will select the most suitable editor to revise your document.
Download Your Edited Work
Download your proofread and edited class paper by the preferred delivery time. All you have left to do is turn it in to your professor!
College & University Assignment Editing Services Features
Ongoing Writing Assistance
Our assignment editors are like writing coaches and provide ongoing proofreading and editing to fix:
- Spelling mistakes and grammar errors
- Formatting inconsistencies and incorrect terms
- Improper capitalization in heading text
For ongoing editing and writing help, purchase Wordvice Points and save up to 40% on all assignment editing services.
Better Writing & Better Grades
Improve your academic performance with English editing and enhancements in style:
- Vocabulary substitutions to improve language
- Rephrasing to reduce wordiness and improve readability
- Feedback and comments explaining edits
Our editors revise your work to your preferred formatting style (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)
Excellent Customer Service
Our assignment editing services give students more than just polished assignments and homework:
- Editor expertise in your academic subject area
- Direct editor messaging during the editing process
- A range of delivery times (as quick as 9 hours)
Communicate directly with your editor if you have any questions or concerns. Completion by your selected delivery time guaranteed!

Meet Our College & University Assignment Editors
Authors Love Our Assignment Editing Services!

Assignment Editing Services Reviews
"Always the most professional editors" I use Wordvice for every paper I have to write. It’s so easy and fast, I think I can't live without it anymore haha. The editors always give me very helpful feedback and answer all my questions without getting annoyed ;) And I’m getting good grades in my classes. Thank you guys!
"SO glad I used this service" My friend recommended Wordvice to me after getting her English paper edited. She told me about her editor James, and so I requested him to edit one of my essays for my graduate program. I was SO happy to see the editor’s changes and comments after I got my paper back! James not only fixed my grammar errors but also made my work more natural. Will use this service again soon I’m sure.
Assignment Editing Examples
Natural Science
Assignment Editing Services FAQ
We offer the following turnaround times:
9 hours, 13 hours, 24 hours, 48 hours (2 days), 72 hours (3 days), 96 hours (4 days), 168 hours (7 days).
Once your assignment has been fully edited, our Quality Assurance team reviews the edits before delivering your document. You can also communicate directly with your editor throughout the revision process.
See our editing service reviews for feedback from real clients.