- Buy Wordvice Points & Save on Editing Services
- Wordvice Points are prepaid credits that let you purchase editing services at checkout without using an additional payment method. Use Points alone or with other forms of payment to complete your order. Buy a Points package and receive up to 10% in additional Points.
How it Works
1. Add Funds
Buy Points using PayPal or credit card and instantly add them to your account.
2. Purchase a Service
Pay for any Wordvice order using your Points account—or combine Points with other payment methods.
3. Track Usage
View your Points usage details in My Account. Add more Points at any time.

Why Buy Wordvice Points?
Using Wordvice Points makes checkout more convenient and saves you time and money on future editing orders.
- Purchase Wordvice Points in advance (or just before checkout) for smoother order completion.
- Researchers and graduate students can use remaining research funds to buy Points towards editing on future manuscript drafts.
- Points spend like cash and let you pay for editing orders without using an additional payment method. (1 Point = $1US)
- Buy a Wordvice Points package and get up to 10% in additional points.
- Wordvice Points can be used up to 5 years after purchase.
Buy Prepaid Points Packages
for Editing & Proofreading Discounts
Purchase Wordvice Points in bulk and receive bonus Points to use towards the purchase of any editing service order.
The more Points you buy at once, the greater the discounts on editing services.
The more Points you buy at once, the greater the discounts on editing services.
Wordvice Points FAQ
We accept PayPal, PayPal Credit, and any debit or credit card with a Visa, MasterCard, Discover or AmericanExpress logo. We use a secure payment gate to process all credit card transactions.
Prepaid Points can be used towards any of our editing and proofreading services. Please be sure to choose the editing service that best suits the needs of your document.
Learn more about our services by visiting the following pages:Academic Editing Services
Admissions Essay Editing Services
Business and Corporate Editing Services
Editing Services for Writers
Learn more about our services by visiting the following pages:
Wordvice Points are good for up to 5 years after purchase towards any of our editing services. View your Points balance and transaction details by visiting your My Account page. Read our Terms & Conditions for more details about Points purchase and usage.